Today the European Commission presented their formal reply to the 1,1 million citizens who signed the European Citizens' Initiative “Save Bees and Farmers”.
Save Bees and Farmers' coordinating NGOs publish today a Press Release and a Fact Check to call the EU authorities for constructive negotiations, based on scientific evidence.
On March 1st 2023, Save Bees and Farmers has adressed an open letter to Norbert Lins, Chair of the Agriculture Committee of the European Parliament. We expressed our deep concern about the delay of the parliamentary decision-making process on the proposal for a regulation on the sustainable use of …
Nous avons compilé les moments forts de l'audition officielle autour de l'initiative citoyenne "Sauvons les abeilles et les agriculteurs" au Parlement européen, le 24 janvier 2023, dans une courte video en anglais (sous le programme). Les discours des expertes et experts qui ont présenté nos …
On Tuesday, January 24th, an important hearing will take place in the EU Parliament. The demands of 1,1 million Europeans who signed the Save Bees and Farmers citizens initiative will be presented.
Une délégation de représentantes et de représentants de l'initiative citoyenne "Sauvons les abeilles et les agriculteurs" a présenté nos demandes à la Commission européenne. Vous pouvez lire la transcription de notre message dans le document ci-dessous.
Le vendredi 25 novembre, des représentants de l'Initiative Citoyenne Européenne "Sauvons les abeilles et les agriculteurs" ont apporté un message clair à la Vice-Présidente Jourová et la Commissaire Kyriakides : nous voulons la fin de la guerre contre la nature. Pour restaurer la biodiversité et …
L'initiative "Sauvons les abeilles et les agriculteurs !" est devenue la septième Initiative Citoyenne Européenne (ICE) à passer la barre du million de soutiens de la part de citoyennes et citoyens de l'UE, ont confirmé les organisateurs.
Vous vous êtes exprimé(e) avec l’ICE Sauvons les abeilles et les agriculteurs. Avec 1,2 million d’Européennes et d’Européens, nous avons fait passer un message important : arrêtez d’empoisonner notre environnement et de mettre notre santé en danger.
La Commission européenne a présenté une proposition visant à réduire l'utilisation des pesticides. Ce nouveau règlement est un pas en avant, mais les objectifs proposés sont trop faibles. Avec l'outil en ligne Shake ton Politique, vous pouvez participer à la consultation publique jusuqu'au 19 …
On June 22nd the EU Commission will present a proposal for a new pesticide reduction regulation. This European law should reduce pesticide use and risk by 50% in 2030. It sounds good, but it is not enough nor new.
L’UE prépare une nouvelle Directive-cadre pour réduire l’utilisation des pesticides. Nous considérons qu’elle manque d’ambition. Consultez notre lettre à la Commission européenne ci-dessous.
Alors que les signatures continuent encore d’affluer pour soutenir l’Initiative Citoyenne Européenne (ICE) « Sauvons les abeilles et les agriculteurs ! » le jour de son échéance, ses supporters se sentent tout proche d’un succès historique. Si cette ICE est validée par la Commission européenne, la …
L'initiative reçoit à présent une bénédiction très spéciale : des représentants de la pétition seront reçus en audience par le Pape François le 8 septembre pour promouvoir cet appel et prier ensemble.
Relaunch of the signature collection of the European Citizens' Initiative to reinforce the objectives of the EU Strategies "Farm to Fork" and "Biodiversity 2030" and ask for a coherent renewal of the National Pesticide Action Plan.
While the European Commission proposes to ban outdoor uses of 3 bee-toxic pesticides (sulfoxaflor, benfluralin and cypermethrin), European Member States oppose to removing them from the market. This situation happens constantly: while the Commission tries to implement the law and protect bees or …
The goals to protect biodiversity set in the European Green Deal are facing strong political headwinds. This has recently become apparent in negotiations on the Common European Agricultural Policy (CAP) as Member States decided not to link agricultural subsidies to the reduction of pesticide use. …
Last month, a majority of Members of the European Parliament voted in favour of a disappointing CAP deal, that is shamefully more than insufficient to face the climate and biodiversity crises and change our unsustainable farming model. This is why the alliance behind the ECI Save Bees and Farmers …
The new Common Agricultural Policy for the next seven years will be voted in October in the European Parliament. Why is it such an important moment for bees, biodiversity and farmers?
On the occasion of Germany taking over the the EU Council Presidency, the European Citizens' Initiative "Save Bees and Farmers" demands that their voices will be heard during the negotiations on the reform of the next Common Agricultural Policy.
All of us from the European Citizens' Initiative, are happy to present the new animation videos we have produced to explain why this ECI is necessary and why it is so important to sign it and share.
Once again, in Spain, pesticide sprayings are currently being carried out on roadside ditches, despite the fact that this is precisely the time when nature is abloom and bees and other pollinators are very active.
Today is the day when we are celebrating bees around the world to remind people how important they are, as pollinators pollinate more than 80% of wild plants and contribute to the preservation of biodiversity. It is coincidentally the day the European Commission has published the Farm-to-Fork as …
Wednesday the 20th is World Bee Day. Bees are celebrated around the world to remind people how important they are for man- and womankind because honeybees provide us with honey but above all because bees pollinate more than 80% of wild plants and contribute to the preservation of biodiversity. …
Two important documents, including pesticide reduction targets, were meant to be published by the EU Commission earlier this year, but were postponed to 29/04 and then to probably 20/05, asa result of the massive lobbying efforts by the conventional farmers lobby. Progressively, leaked versions of …
Today, the ECI has reached the minimum required signature threshold in Austria (13.500), after Germany (72.000) in early January and Belgium (15.750) at the beginning of February. This is the third European member state to reach its required threshold!
Today 87 organisations, as supporters of the European Citizens Initiative “Save Bees and Farmers!” have sent a letter to the Executive Vice President of the EU Commission, Mr Timmermans, to make sure that the European Green Deal cuts pesticides and switches to agroecology.
Today, organisations from across Europe jointly submitted the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) "Save Bees and Farmers!" to the European Commission in Brussels.
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